It’s a half moon tonight. Even at 50% the moon makes shadows as it shines into my car. It makes me think of balance and duality. Illumination and shadows; what’s presented and what’s hidden. 

I believed for a long time that a part of marriage was knowing your partner 100%. Knowing everything about them, every thought, every idea, every temptation, everything. 

The moon hides half of herself away tonight and so do I. Because even though I love my partner, some of myself is just for me. 

We all have parts of ourselves that never get shared with anyone, that are impossible to share. There’s a whole universe and reality inside our minds, images and thoughts that can’t be shared and can only ever exist inside ourselves. 

Witchcraft is teaching me to fall in love with and treasure the shadows inside of me that can only ever belong to me. 

The Hermit

The Hermit has been a personal favourite of mine since I first started reading. Solitude is a staple of self love. The ability to be with one’s self and listen to what the mind has to say in long stretches of silence is vitally important in the quest of self discovery. 

This card represents the kind of cold and candid self-reliance the last five years has taught me to foster. I may be partnered right now, but I have to rely on my self long before I rely on him; nothing is permanent. The only thing I truly have is myself.

New Tarot Reading Available on Etsy


Financial Advice 4 Card Tarot Reading

Recommended for those who make money in multiple ways and need advice about what to prioritize or focus on. In this spread we’ll look at what business or job you need to focus on, what you should avoid, what will help you maintain focus, and any other words of advice the cards may have for you.

This is an original spread created by me. Read with the Rider-Waite deck.

Get your reading here

I lost my apartment today 

I’m a disabled and mentally ill sex worker and I’m going to be homeless tomorrow. My partner is a mentally ill POC who can’t pass a background test because he has a warrant out for an unpaid ticket that we were too poor to pay, for not having insurance because we couldn’t afford it. His warrant is in a state we can’t even afford to travel to in order to clear it up. 

I desperately need to scrape together some money to limit how long I’m going to be homeless. I’m offering a variety of readings and other witchy services
– 1 card is pay what you can

– 3 are $25 

– pendulum readings (yes/no questions) are pay what you can 

– 1 rune is $20

– 3 runes are $40 

– sigil commissions are pay what you can. I use my own alphabet and make all my sigils from that. All I need from you is your statement/mantra/will 
Money can be sent to via Google wallet or circle pay. 
Reblogs are appreciated too 🍃

Help a witch out 

I’m taking paid tarot readings today until Monday! 
I had a cheque come to me very late, my landlord is not happy, and now he’s trying to evict me and wants more than what’s on my cheque because of my back rent. Things have been super rough this year and I could use a little help. 
Single card readings are just pay what you can (I normally charge $10) and 3 cards are $25. I do larger readings as well, but they are a lot of work and can get pricey. 

Last night’s magick

I had a good night last night. I’m really proud of the progress I made in my craft and in myself. My husband and I had a really good conversation about it afterwards and I learned a lot. I definitely feel more encouraged to do more magik and confident in it’s success.

I used blood, tears, cayenne pepper, salt, water, smoke, and a mirror, along with the cards, rune, and a candle. 

Spell craft in progress

I’m finally about to do some serious, well-thought out spell craft to cast tomorrow night. I’m still not done writing it. 

It’s a spell to bring understanding, clarity, and peace to my mother, whom I no longer talk to because I’m trying to heal from the damage she inflicted on me. 

I’ve already said everything I can to her, she has it in writing, but she still emails me once a month trying to get me to hit the “forgive mum” button. I’ve done what I can, it’s time for some magik. 

I’m already planning on incorporating blood and tears, as well as elemental energy and sigil work, but I’m just wondering if anyone has any suggestions/ideas? I think this is gonna end up being more like a three-part ritual?? I don’t use a lot of traditional magik, I just research my ingredients and go with what feels right, but I’m open to outside ideas and advice. 

With Halloween and Samhain coming up, I want to push myself a little bit and delve a little farther into the areas of witchcraft and Satanism that i’ve been avoiding before now, either out of fear, intimidation, lack of energy, or just genuine laziness.

But idk what I wanna do. I’m already planning on spending some time in the graveyard, just to learn who’s there, but other than that… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk!

What are you doing to celebrate this year?